

Instant Email/Username Validation Using ASP.NET and jQuery

Posted Mon, Mar 30, 2009

Instant username availability validation is a feature a lot of my clients have been requesting lately.  Basically it is a function that checks to see if a username or email address is available instantly, as it is being typed.


My internet life matured in a time when JavaScript was the devil.  I have avoided using it in development for as long as I remember. I still heavily avoid it because of how fickle some of the browsers handle it, and because elegance is time consuming.  Most sites that reconfigure themselves with AJAX fail to execute properly -- if you are going to use JavaScript, take the time and do it right.  However, I am also aware of how well some of the frameworks out there have overcome the weaknesses of cross browser compatibility.


My favorite is jQuery, it is very easy to learn and simple to use.  To start we are going to need three elements:


  1. the text box to validate
  2. the JavaScript to call the validation
  3. the requested file where the server side validation will take place

First the file we are going to make a request to (I am going to use a generic (.ashx) handler):

Start by creating a new Generic Handler and name it EmailCheck.ashx.  Visual Studio will generate some default code, we can kill the Response.Write("Hello World") as we are going to use our logic here to check if the passed username or email address already exists in our system.  We are left with

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Handler" %>
using System;
using System.Web;

public class Handler : IHttpHandler {
    public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
    public bool IsReusable
        get { return false; }

I have a method defined in my Members object to determine if the email is available or not, which I can simply reference with ABC.Members.IsEmailAvailable(email).  I will write up a quick inline function as an example. This function simply takes in an email address (or username, or whatever else you need to validate) and returns true if it is not in use and false if it is.

private bool
IsEmailAvailable(string email)
            OleDbDataReader reader;
            OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Members WHERE Email = ?", Globals.DBConnectionString );
            cmd.Paramaters.AddWithValue( "Email",email );

            bool isAvailable = false;


                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                if (!reader.Read())
                    isAvailable = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorHandler( ex );
                return false;

            return isAvailable;

That will be good enough for our purposes.  It can be adapted to better suit your application, using your DB provider or what have you. 

Next we just need to add the logic to the ProcessRequest function.  We need to check the query string to see if we got an email address, if we did indeed get one then we can query the database and make the required response.

    public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

        if (context.Request.QueryString["Email"] == null)

        string email = context.Request.QueryString["Email"].ToString();

        if (!IsEmailAvailable(email))
            context.Response.Write("Sorry, your email address is already in use.");

That is all there is to this side of the request.  You can test it out by referencing the handler directly.  http://localhost:xxxx/[email protected].  If the email address is not in use, you will see nothing on the response and if it is in use you will see a plain text message of "Sorry, your email address is already in use."

For this next part you are going to need to download jQuery.  I am currently using version 1.3.2 which you can download directly here.  However, you may want to check the main site for more recent versions.  The first time that I worked with jQuery I had an extremely unorganized site with multiple unorganized developers. We had MooTools and Prototype and had some conflict issues.  I found a no conflict feature of jQuery that I have used every since.  I just add to the last line of the jQuery file

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

What this means that in my code you will see $j("jquery").something; instead of the standard $("jquery").something;.

On the new form page we need to create two things:

  1. the CheckEmail(email) JavaScript function
  2. a container for the error message

I created a div with the ID of "emailinusebox".  The function is pretty simple: we need to validate the email address.  If we don't have a valid email address, there is no reason to waste time or resources with a database request.  I admit, I kept it simple and lazy.  I just check to see if the string contains an @ and a . (dot).  If it meets those requirements, we can go ahead and check the database.  I use the jQuery.load function which will perform a GET to the ashx handler we created above.

function CheckEmail(email)

    if(email.toString().indexOf("@") == -1)
    if(email.toString().indexOf(".") == -1)
    $j("#emailinusebox").load("EmailCheck.ashx?Email=" + email);

You can use CSS to style the error box however you like.  I simply have

#emailinusebox {font-weight:700;color:#f00}

Now for the final step, the easy part.  We need our text box,

<asp:TextBox MaxLength="100" runat="server" ID="tEmail"></asp:TextBox>

And we need to apply the onkeyup function to it in order to call our validation function.  I apply it in the .cs file by adding an attribute to it.

this.tEmail.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "javascript:checkemailcode(this.value);");

There are other (likely better) ways to do this.  I believe the best practice is to assign it using jQuery's (document).ready function, but I prefer this way.  I find it easier for me to manage, mainly because I don't trust designers to maintain the integrity of my .aspx files.  When all is said and done, we have a very simple looking error message.  You can add flashy bells and whistles and icons, but here is how it looks in its current form:


Tagged form validation asp.net jquery

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